

Guadalupe Island White Shark Field Guide $100 includes free global shipping   Team up with MCSI to support white shark research and conservation efforts: Donate to MCSI in support Northeastern Pacific white shark research and conservation efforts and receive the most recent edition of the Guadalupe Island, Mexico white shark photo-ID book. The 2014 edition is spiral bound and printed on...

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T-shirts and Hoodies includes free global shipping Team up with MCSI to support white shark research and conservation efforts: Donate to MCSI in support Northeastern Pacific white shark conservation efforts and choose a T-shirt or front zip hooded sweatshirt as our way of saying thanks. T-shirts are made from 60% cotton and 40% polyester, and come in men’s and women’s styles with...

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Fundraiser to name a Guadalupe Island white shark Devin The Marine Conservation Science Institute proudly announces the naming of a Guadalupe Island great white shark. We are naming this male shark Devin, after a young man who is courageously battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at the young age of 18. He recently made an amazing trip to Guadalupe Island and saw a shark that was previously...

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Skid   Skid is a 15 foot long male great white shark. He was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2002. Adult male white sharks show up at the Guadalupe Island in August of each year and depart around January, spending the next 6 months offshore in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Skid was tagged with a SPOT tag in 2008 which tracks his movements in real time. The tracking data...

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Amy   Amy is an over 16 feet long female great white shark. She was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2008. She was tagged with a SPOT tag in 2008 which tracks her movements in real time. She was the first mature female white shark we tagged at Guadalupe Island. Amy is a very significant shark in our quest to learn more about the complete life history of this species in the...

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Garmin   Garmin is a male great white shark. Garmin was tagged with a SPOT tag in 2007 which tracks his movements in real time. Garmin is the smallest shark tagged by MCSI. At the time of tagging he was just over 10 feet long, which is considered to be a sub-adult. White sharks transition from juvenile to sub-adult when they reach about 10 feet in length and this is when their diet begins...

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