
Posted on Jun 4, 2013 in Articles | 0 comments



Bruce4Bruce is a 15 foot long male great white shark. He was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2002. Adult male white sharks show up at the island in August of each year and depart around January, spending the next 6 months offshore in the middles of the Pacific Ocean. Bruce was tagged with a SPOT tag in 2008 which tracks his movements in real time. The tracking data shows that he makes an annual migration between Guadalupe Island and an area we refer to as the Shared Offshore Foraging Area (SOFA). The SOFA is a common offshore area utilized by adult male white sharks from both Guadalupe Island and Central California. What motivates these sharks to spend half the year in the middle of the ocean is still unknown.

This map shows 3.5 years of tracking data for Bruce


You can follow the migration of more tagged white sharks using the app Expedition White Shark

Brucethumb2You can sponsor this shark and help conserve and protect northeastern Pacific white sharks through the MCSI Sponsor a Shark program

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