
Posted on Jun 4, 2013 in Articles | 0 comments



HoneyHoney is an adult female great white shark. She was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2004 and has been resighted at the island in 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2011. The fact that she was resighted at Guadalupe every other year indicates that she is a mature shark. Adult female white sharks have a two year migration pattern which is linked to an estimated 18 month gestation cycle. The Marine Conservation Science Institute’s tagging and tracking research has shown that mature female white sharks visit Guadalupe Island between October and January, and then make a two year migration, spending up to 16 months in the middle of the Pacific Ocean before traveling to the Mexican coast to give birth between April and August. The Guadalupe Island photo-identification program keeps track of which sharks return to Guadalupe Island each year. This project is important because it not only tracks individual sharks like Honey, but also monitors the status of the of the northeastern Pacific white shark population.

You can follow the migration of tagged white sharks using the app Expedition White shark

HoneyYou can sponsor this shark and help conserve  and protect northeastern Pacific white sharks through the MCSI Sponsor a Shark program


These data are the property of MCSI and may not be reproduced or used without permission.


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