
Posted on Jun 6, 2013 in Articles | 0 comments



scarScar (also known as Shredder or Cal Ripfin) is an adult male great white shark. He was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2001 and has been resighted at the island every year through 2011. From previous tracking data we have found that adult male white sharks show up at Guadalupe island in August of each year and depart around January, spending the next 6 months offshore in the middles of the Pacific Ocean. Scar has deep cuts in his dorsal fin and is one of the most easily identified sharks at Guadalupe Island. When he was first identified in 2001 he had a small notch in the top of his dorsal fin. When he returned to Guadalupe Island in the fall of 2005 he had sustained additional damage to his dorsal fin.

You can follow the migration of more tagged white sharks using the app Expedition White Shark 


You can sponsor this shark and help conserve  and protect northeastern Pacific white sharks through the MCSI Sponsor a Shark program

These data are the property of MCSI and may not be reproduced or used without permission.

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