

Scar/Shredder   Scar (also known as Shredder or Cal Ripfin) is an adult male great white shark. He was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2001 and has been resighted at the island every year through 2011. From previous tracking data we have found that adult male white sharks show up at Guadalupe island in August of each year and depart around January, spending the next 6...

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Gill Rakers

Gill Rakers   Gill Rakers is a greater than 17 foot long mature female white shark. She was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2004 and has been resighted at the island in 2007, 2008, and 2012. She was tagged with a SPOT tag in 2012 which tracks her movements in real time. Our previous tagging data has shown that adult female white sharks spend fall at Guadalupe Island and...

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Annika   Annika is a greater than 15 feet long female white shark. She was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2009. She was tagged with a SPOT tag in 2009 which tracks her movements in real time. The tracking data shows that she visits Guadalupe Island between October and January, and then makes a two year migration, spending up to 16 months in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...

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Biteface   Biteface is a 14.5 foot long male great white shark. He was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2001. He was named because of a large bite mark on this face the first year he was identified. This wound has since healed, but he has been seen with bite marks on his face several times since then, so the name seems fitting. Adult male white sharks show up at Guadalupe...

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Honey   Honey is an adult female great white shark. She was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2004 and has been resighted at the island in 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2011. The fact that she was resighted at Guadalupe every other year indicates that she is a mature shark. Adult female white sharks have a two year migration pattern which is linked to an estimated 18 month gestation...

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Bruce   Bruce is a 15 foot long male great white shark. He was first photographed at Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 2002. Adult male white sharks show up at the island in August of each year and depart around January, spending the next 6 months offshore in the middles of the Pacific Ocean. Bruce was tagged with a SPOT tag in 2008 which tracks his movements in real time. The tracking data shows...

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